Open Mic Night
From storytelling and poetry to funny powerpoints, songs, and book reading, please join us for a night of fun! Sign up for our Virtual Climate Open Mic Night!
Time : 3 PM EST
The NDC Equity Project (2 PM UTC/10 AM EST)
The NDC Equity Project: Leveraging youth voices for creating impact into more equitable climate action
Are you ready for a youth focussed NDC Equity Project webinar? Join us on June 1st to know more about young people making an impact in driving equitable climate action via inclusive and intergenerational analysis of crucial NDCS.
(2 PM UTC/10 AM EST)
Climate Toolkit Book launch and Unveiling our Community of Practice (9 AM US PST)
Are you passionate about climate justice and happy to contribute to a community of practice to engage, grow, and share your experience and stories of hope with other passionate and thoughtful leaders like yourself from different pasts of the world? Join us on April 22nd for the launch of our Climate toolkit and what will be the first of our many community of practice as part of our Climate Champions Program.
For context, the Climate Champions Program is designed to increase access to a simplified knowledge of climate change, strengthen the spirit of grassroot mobilization and connectedness among young climate leaders, drive local solutions to the global crisis of climate change, and raise a generation of climate justice leaders that are able to hold their leaders accountable by starting with holding their communities accountable to climate action. You are invited to join this important convening where we will also be unveiling what is to come after. Feel free to share this invite with others in your network

Earth Day Mix and Mingle Trivia
Join us for a trivia night in St. Louis, Missouri to celebrate Earth Day. Support Care About Climate and Learn about our work

Cook for Climate: Plant-based Cooking Class!
Join CAC for an anniversary celebration fundraiser! Our Plant Based cooking class will help you and your loved ones learn simple tricks for swapping our meat and dairy products for a healthier planet.

Stories of Climate Action
Hear stories from youth community organizers and climate activists around the world on how they have mobilized their communities to advance #climateaction and make a difference. This webinar will be a 35-minute storytelling session, followed by the chance to ask storytellers your questions.

Effectively Communicating Climate Action for Fostering Community Involvement
Fostering a new culture of working together in the face of climate change is essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and meeting the 1.5 degree Paris Agreement Goal. This webinar will serve as a workshop where we reflect on, share, and discuss techniques for communicating climate action to our community members who may be less involved with the climate action space and/or not know the significance of taking climate action.

US Elections and Climate
Have a discussion about how the US elections are going and the impacts on climate change, climate action, and international policy.
Registration is now closed.

Mock UN Climate Negotiations
Care About Climate's international policy team is hosting a mock UN climate negotiations online. You will be assigned to a team representing one country/region of the world and act as a diplomat to negotiate climate policy, using Climate Interactive's C-Roads simulator. It's a great way to learn more about climate policy and experience first-hand what it will take for global leaders to address climate change. No previous experience is required. You will receive all necessary information, including team assignments and the Zoom link, before the event. Sign ups are now closed.

WEBINAR: Storytelling For Climate Action
A webinar hosted by the Climate Advocacy and Accountability in Policy (CAAP) discussing how activists can use storytelling as a tool to change and engage with the narrative behind climate change.

WEBINAIRE: Le Genre et la Reduction Des Risques de Catastrophe
Ce webinaire, organisé et mis en œuvre conjointement par le Conseil consultatif de la jeunesse africaine sur la réduction des risques de catastrophe (CCJA RRC) et Care about Climate - EmpoderaClima, permettra de mieux comprendre comment les relations entre les sexes façonnent la vie des femmes et des hommes avant, pendant et après les catastrophes, en particulier en Afrique.
[EN] Webinar: Gender and Disaster Risk Reduction on July 4. Live translations into English will be provided.

WEBINAR: The State of Climate Policy Today
The Care About Climate international policy team and Earth Strategy present The State of Climate Policy Today, a free webinar on major climate treaties, policies, and agendas. It will provide background on the Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement, examine the progress of countries in meeting Paris Agreement commitments, and explore the Green New Deal and localized climate action in the United States. Great for folks with basic to intermediate knowledge on climate policy! A link to join will be sent out via email prior to the webinar. Questions or comments? Email Sign ups are now closed.
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