Our Mission

We are breaking barriers and building pathways for young people to confidently engage in climate policy spaces and hold their leaders accountable to a climate just future.

Read our 2024 Annual Report!

Our Vision

Thirty years ago, the world leaders created the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to tackle climate change and safeguard the planet for future generations. Today, we live in a world on track to warm by nearly 3°C, where every single child and young person is vulnerable to at least one climate impact.

Care About Climate represents those future generations and exists because political leaders have not kept their promise to safeguard our future from climate change. We envision a youth movement that is empowered, unified, and educated to shape climate policies and cultivate a future rooted in intergenerational justice.

Our Theory of Change

While many young people are interested in pursuing climate policy, lack of access to resources, knowledge on multilateral processes, and government resistance to intergenerational partnership restrict them from achieving their full potential. We are closing that gap!


Provide training to build capacity and educate young people on how to engage in climate policy spaces, available in seven languages.

Intergenerational Partnership

Democratize participation in and promote transparency of intergenerational partnership in national climate commitments.

Localizing Multilateral Policies

Localize knowledge of national climate commitments and support youth-led implementation efforts.

Political Will & Youth Leadership

Empower active participation in climate policy spaces by removing financial, capacity building, and access barriers.

Our Story

In 2014, Natalie Lucas founded Care About Climate to ensure young voices weren’t just heard in the halls of climate policy making spaces, they were at the table, shaping policy. In the early years, CAC fought to increase youth presence in international climate policy spaces and brought awareness to COP as a critical element of global climate action through organizing roadshows and workshops. CAC brought much needed attention to the intergenerational component of climate action, including dropping a sign for climate justice on the Eiffel Tower during COP21 in Paris, France.

The team quickly learned that having access to a climate policy space is not enough to secure our rightful seat at the decision-making table. As CAC built new alliances and engaged in policy discussions, the team realized they had immense knowledge to offer the upcoming generation of advocates, making it easier for them to hold political leaders accountable to a climate and intergenerational just future.

Now, a decade later, CAC is a cornerstone of global climate governance. Young leaders trained through CAC’s programs sit with world leaders as advocates and young negotiators, co-author new climate policies, and fight for better climate policy outcomes. Their advocacy even led to the formal recognition of youth as key stakeholders in climate action planning and implementation!

CAC is building a movement where climate policy is intergenerational.