Administration and Fundraising Team
Rayana Burgos [she/her]
Rayana Burgos is a young Brazilian and Political Scientist. Rayana is Youth Climate Leaders (YCL) Fellow, columnist at Youth Press Agency and was a member of the Latin American youth program on sustainable finance (GFLAC). She works with research and public policy focusing on the relationship between youth, gender, race and climate (climate justice). She has worked with elections and political mobilizations and was a speaker at national and international events. Rayana is a member of the Gender and Climate Working Group, of the Observatory of Climate and also collaborates with # FénoClima, strengthening the dialogue between religions, youth and climate change, focusing on Afro-Brazilian religions. She has experience with fundraising, campaigns, events and has a contact with a network of young activists, scientists and religious people who are engaged to discuss the mobilization for social and climate causes.