Our Team

Check out our amazing team of volunteers who make Climate Ambassadors possible. If you are interested in getting more involved in our program find out more here.

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Hailey Campbell - Climate Ambassador Director

A native Texan, Hailey (she/her) is a Masters of Sustainability Solutions student at Arizona State University, Program Director for Care About Climate’s Ambassador Program, climate justice activist, and intern for the Local 2030 Islands Network. She strives to create learning opportunities that strengthen our relationships with the earth, each other, and our local to global community to promote just, fair, and urgent sustainable development and build climate resilience. She has represented ASU at COP25, spoken at the UNFCCC official ACE Webinar as a youth representative, hosted a live-streamed international Earth Day webinar on youth-led climate action, and conducted research on behavior change for a zero waste lifestyle. As a young professional, she aspires to influence climate compatible development policies and empower locally-driven sustainable solutions.


Hossam Emam - Climate Ambassador Admin

Hossam Emam is a dedicated environmental activist in his home country of Egypt. Based in Cairo, he received a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering, and a Professional diploma certificate in Project Management from the American University in Cairo.

By day, Hossam serves as a Planning engineer in the Construction field in his Homeland Egypt.

He started caring about climate while studying environmental engineering topics through his undergraduate study. Then he started his activity while attending the Global Conference of Youth (COY 14) in Katowice/Poland which was organized by YOUNGO the official Constituency of youth and children by the UNFCCC.

At the local level he organized the first Local COY in Egypt with other Egyptian activists in 2019.

At the international level he was working as the Facilitator of Local Conference of Youth Around the world with his teammates by YOUNGO, and they succeeded to facilitate more than 27 Local COY. He represented YOUNGO at the SCF in Lebanon (2019 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance). Then he represented the LCOYs around the world at Global COY 15 in Madrid. And because of his activities he was honored by the UNFCCC secretariat with a scholarship to attend the COP 25.

Lately, he volunteered with CAC because of them interesting activities and he thought it's a place where he can find more passionate and professional youth who are ambitious for fighting


Aatika Patel - Climate Ambassador and ClimAcademy Communications

Aatika Patel (she/her) was born in India, but has lived in Fiji for the longest time, and calls it home. 

Aatika has always been passionate about youth, gender and climate development in the communities where she lives. Climate justice to her is to be able to inspire and organize bold action by communities on the frontlines of climate change to challenge the extractive economy that is harming people and ecosystems; be able to build resilient, regenerative and equitable economies rooted in place-based webs of social and ecological relationships. 

“I believe we can all agree that we want a world where everyone is seen as equal and is educated, empowered and engaged to address climate change and gender equality.”

Aatika would like to acknowledge the traditional, ancestral, un-ceded territory of the Mni Sota Makoce (Minnesota) on which she will be learning, working and organizing in the future. Growing up, she never heard the traditional names of the territories; indigenous people were talked about in the past tense and all the struggles they faced were in the past tense as well. As an activist, She is committing herself to the struggle against the systems of oppression that have dispossessed Indigenous people of their lands and denied their rights to self-determination, work that is essential to human rights work across the world.

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